I am a Research Scientist at Amazon, working on Reinforcement Learning. Most recently, I was Computer Science PhD student at Brown University working with George Konidaris as part of the Intelligent Robot Lab (IRL) and the Brown BigAI initiative. I was an intern in David Silver’s RL team at DeepMind, London in Summer 2022 where I was mentored by Tom Schaul.

I study Reinforcement Learning (RL) with the goal of creating general-purpose agents that can learn from raw sensorimotor data. The majority of my work has focussed on the problems of exploration and skill discovery; currently, I am focused on the application of model-based RL to solve large-scale problems in the Amazon Supply Chain.

I graduated from Harvey Mudd College in 2016, where I was part of the Lab for Autonomous and Intelligent Robotics (LAIR) and was advised by Professor Chris Clark. I then worked at Apple in Cupertino, CA for 2 years as part of the Multitouch Algorithms team under the leadership of Nicole Wells and Wayne Westerman.


  • Sep 2024: I started as a Research Scientist at Amazon, studying the application of RL in Amazon’s supply chain.
  • Aug 2024: I successfully defended my Phd! Many thanks to my advisor, George Konidaris and my committee members Rich Sutton and Michael Littman.
  • June 2024: I presented my PhD research about exploration in RL at the Learning and Intelligent Systems lab at MIT CSAIL. It was an honor talking to some of my academic heros like Leslie Kaelbling, Tomás Lozano-Pérez and Russ Tedrake!
  • May 2024: I presented my research at Berkeley AI Research, thanks to Cam Allen for hosting!
  • Apr 2024: I presented my research at Marc Bellemare and Glen Berseth’s group meeting at MILA.
  • Dec 2023: I presented our paper on learning affordances at NeurIPS.
  • Dec 2023: I passed my PhD thesis proposal, my committee members are: George Konidaris, Michael Littman and Rich Sutton.
  • May 2023: Our paper on count-based exploration has been accepted for an Oral at ICML, pre-print here!
  • Apr 2023: Our paper on Proto-goal RL has been accepted at IJCAI 2023 – looking forward to Macau!
  • Feb 2023: After an amazing internship with Tom at Deepmind, we have published my internship paper to arxiv.
  • March 2022: I accepted an internship position at Deepmind, London for the upcoming summer under the mentorship of Tom Schaul.
  • March 2022: I will be presenting 4 papers at RLDM: 2 first author papers (Skill Graphs and Pseudocount exploration) and 2 co-author papers (Average Options and Learning Salient Events in RL). If you are going to be at RLDM, let me know — I am always up for a chat!

Conference Publications

Workshop Publications

Invited Talks

  • Apr 2024: Presented at Marc Bellemare and Glen Berseth’s group meeting in MILA.
  • Oct 2023: Presented about discovering options for exploration at the Autonomous Learning Lab at UMass Amherst.
  • Sep 2023: Talked about Coin Flip Networks at UT Austin’s RL reading group.
  • Aug 2023: Bridging Planning and RL Workshop at IJCAI (PRL).
  • April 2023: Spoke about learning abstractions at Mykel Kochenderfer’s SISL group at Stanford.
  • December 2022: Presented my research about exploration and discovery at DeepMind, Alberta.
  • November 2022: Presented my internship project about proto-goals at the RL Team meeting and exploration reading group at DeepMind, London.
  • August 2022: Presented about pseudocounts at the exploration reading group at DeepMind, London.

Undergraduates I have advised